press release

organisator: Faurschou Foundation

The exhibition, “Us Silkscreeners…” takes the story of the very first silkscreen paintings by Rauschenberg and Warhol as its point of departure, namely Rauschenberg’s Renascence and Warhol’s Dollar Bills Series, both completed in 1962. In the spring of that same year a meeting between the two artists took place, which marked the beginning of a new direction in photo-transferring, that would not only impact the artist’s own career, but would also influence the art scene at large, thus, forming Rauschenberg and Warhol’s legacy. Despite employing silkscreens in different ways, both artists shared a common starting point that year, in 1962.

After more than five decades after Rauschenberg received the Golden Lion Award for his breakthrough practice with silkscreens in 1964, Faurschou Foundation is happy to return Rauschenberg to Venice—this time not only focusing on his silkscreens, but on his later series.

The exhibition will include a study room with film, books and further information on the two artists, silkscreens and the meeting in 1962. Faurschou Foundation will also produce an extended catalogue with writings and illustrations to narrate the full story of the earliest silkscreens by Rauschenberg and Warhol in contemporary art.