press release

This exhibition was curated by Roger Kelly and Bob Matthews, and brought together new or previously unseen paintings by young contemporary artists working in Britain who explore the subject of landscape andlocation in their work. The artists in the exhibition build upon and re-interpret traditional ideas about landscape painting. The works exhibited challenged and expanded the boundaries of the genre.

This was a Nunnery initiated touring project in association with the Northern Gallery for Contemporary Art. The tour included the following venues: Wolverhampton Art Gallery, The Nunnery, The Northern Gallery for Contemporary Art, and The Herbert Read Gallery, Canterbury. A catalogue was published.

Historically landscape painting has been seen as a means to bring the outside inside - to describe exotic destinations beyond the viewer’s means or to provide a visual escape into a beautiful location; a window into another, more desirable place. In the twentieth century our ideas about landscape have been expanded by film, photography and television, alongside widely accessible international travel and developments in publishing and new technologies. In Yes! I am a long way from home, ideas are explored by looking both at the history of the genre of landscape painting andcontemporary imagery - and by looking inwards, rather than exclusively out to the natural world. As well as exploring what landscape painting has been, what it is and what it can be, this exhibition studied the importance of the genre as a model or metaphor - to examine the way we interpret and understand the environment, and how we place ourselves within it.


Yes! I am a Long Way From Home
Kuratoren: Roger Kelly, Bob Matthews

mit Jason Brooks, Ed Chell, Gordon Cheung, Moyra Derby, Peter Doig, Kaye Donachie, Geraint Evans, Andrew Grassie, Ed Harper, Dan Hays, Richard Hogg, Paul Housley, Merlin James, Roger Kelly, Masakatsu Kondo, Gavin Lockheart, Bob Matthews, Paul Morrison, Rob Platt, David Rayson, Carol Rhodes, Martina Schmid, George Shaw, Mike Silva, Graeme Todd