press release

The Yellow Manifesto, or Catalan Anti-Art Manifesto, signed by the art critic Sebastià Gasch, the literary critic Lluís Montanyà and the painter Salvador Dalí, was published in March 1928 and was to become the most important manifesto of the historical avant-gardes in Catalonia and probably in Spain too. Addressed to young Catalans, it denounced the putrefied state of all things cultural and fiercely defended modernity and the Futurist and Cubist legacy as well as aspects of Dada. The exhibition will show the leading role that Dalí played in the preparation of the manifesto, with its various preliminary versions, its deliberately provocative attack on conventionalism and Catalan official culture inherited from Noucentisme, as well as the reactions it produced in both the public and private spheres.   Pressetext

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The Yellow Manifesto - Salvador Dalí and anti-art machinism
Kurator: Joan M. Minguet Batllori

Das "Yellow Manifesto" oder "Catalan Anti-Art Manifesto" wurde 1928 veröffentlicht und von Sebastià Gasch, Kunstkritiker, Lluís Montanyà, Literaturkritiker und Salvador Dalí unterzeichnet.