press release

Rosilene Luduvico and Takeshi Makishima work closely, but individually, each having created new paintings and drawings during their residency at westlondonprojects.

Luduvico’s fragile compositions continue her use of organic forms and pepperings of local colour to define bright, open expanses of landscape. In pictures of an almost snow blind whiteness, Luduvico encourages touring examinations of her surfaces; interrupted by tiny details of colour and differentiation. Populated by perhaps a thinly brushed curvilinear tree, or an occasional figure, the paintings made for this exhibition offer tiny scattered jewels of saturated paint in fields of white.

Makishima’s interiors offer more theatrically-inspired narratives, often presented with dissolute and abstract zones of escape from the figurative. For example, the lower portion of one painting presents a room of women manufacturing the aforementioned pearl necklaces, but the upper two thirds contains a thin and brushy darkness containing a single rectangle of thickly painted slashes of green paint. Though the rooms in Makishima’s work are large scale, they are filled with a somber, muted palette, thus making the moments of colour all the more conspicuous. His work contrasts the mood of areas of confined space and painterly escape.

Though their work shares an aspiration to use painting as a medium to create alternate realities, this exhibition shows a bifurcation in the two artist’s approaches to production. It is an expansive vision; opposed to convergence, and provides an opportunity to explore uniquely materialised versions of inspiration.

only in german

Rosilene Luduvico & Takeshi Makishima
We Take A Train In Technicolor