press release

Interested in certain aspects from both visual and architectural grounds from de 60's and 70's in Bogotá, Consuegra developed the exhibition through three main aspects. First, Consuegra used a black and white photograph by German born photographer Paul Beer as a visual score to construct a three dimensional domestic interior completly made in black and white tones, and matching with all subtleties of the original photograph captured by Beer. After doing this, Consuegra took a photograph in color in order to capture in full detail the grayscale scene.

With a similar interest—again merging photography with architecture—Consuegra used a series of photographs shot in the 60's and 70's by Colombian photojournalist Manuel H. Rodríguez in order to consitute a series of photographic pairs in which Consuegra recalls the visual game "spot the difference".

Finally, Consuegra built a scale replica of a modernist building located in Bogotá (Edificio Lersundy) in order to simmulate a night scene, in which the spectator experiences flickering tv screens as seen from a distance.

With "Pasado tiempo futuro", Consuegra reveals his deep interest in the aforemention decades—some aspects of domestic architecture in Bogotá and how it appropriated both formal and conceptual elements fron the International Style— and a monochrome sensibility inspired by interior design magazines from the same period.

only in german

Nicolas Consuegra
Pasado tiempo futuro