press release

SKOR (Foundation for Art and Public Space) invited eight internationally recognised photographers -Koos Breukel, Joachim Brohm, Noritoshi Hirakawa, Ralph Kämena, Martin Luijendijk, Johannes Schwartz, Sean Snyder and Andrea Stultiens- to photograph the Dutch agrarian landscape. Because it is changing and changing rapidly. Every year many Dutch family farms are disappearing. The farmers look for a future in other countries, or take non agricultural jobs. Where once cows used to graze, now people are playing golf or camping. Some of these farms turn into museums, other specialize, take on extra tasks or even become modern computerized businesses. The photographs, projections and videos in Mixed farming show us the most divers and sometimes even unexpected visions on the changes at the farms. We see the Dutch landscape, the (cattle) farms, the ‘agritourism’, and the farmers themselves and their daily lives. Also exhibited are the photographs taken by the Dutch photographers Cas Oorthuys and Willem van Heemskerck Düker in the forties and fifties, showing us the days of glory at the family. Pressetext

only in german

Mixed Farming
Arbeiten von Koos Breukel, Joachim Brohm, Noritoshi Hirakawa, Ralph Kämena, Martin Luijendijk, Johannes Schwartz, Sean Snyder und Andrea Stultiens