press release

The political elation of the sixties had pushed the art toward an impersonality of the expression that could not conjugate the self, in position always wagered after the creative drive of the image. Nevertheless, in the second half of the seventies the art of the transvanguardia, practiced in Italy by Chia, Clemente, Cucchi, De Maria and Paladino found again the pleasure of a handicraft done not separate of the conceptual impulse. The handicraft signifies capacity to set the work of the art in the immediacies of a subjetivity, that utilizes all the expressive instruments and all the possible languages. Here, the image becomes the deposit of a strenght, barely insinuated, aforesaid in the ways of the art, that is to say in those of the grace and the furor. The love by the detail responds to the demand to grasp small sensations and small concepts. These artists oppose the idea of the concentration to the heroic and monumental idea that impregnates all the work of the sixties. The drawing in the works of Chia, Clemente, Cucchi, De Maria and Paladino is sign, image, effigy, line, outline, landscape, plant, diagram, profile, silhouette, vignette, illustration, figure, impression, scene, sketch, comic, chiaroscuro, painted, engraving, map, lithography, pastel. The instruments can be: carboncillo, pencil, ballpoint pen, brush, mine, compass, squad, rule of calculation, rule, role secant, sheet. The process can be: trace, to compose, to copy, to cancel, to correct, to shine, to invent. The result: field, contour, shadow, adornment, perspective. The art finally returns to its internal motives, to the reasons constituents of its work, to its place by excellence that is the labyrinth, understood as “I work inside”, as continuous excavation inside the substance of the painting. The work becomes a map of the wondering, of the progressive change practiced out of every direction built on the part of artists that are blind, that cheer himself around the pleasure of an art that itself does not repress before nothing, neither even before the history.


only in german

La Transvarguardia italiana
Kurator: Achille Bonito Oliva

mit Francesco Clemente, Enzo Cucchi, Sandro Chia, Nicola de Maria, Mimmo Paladino