press release

Maureen Paley Interim Art is pleased to present an exhibition of new work by Gillian Wearing.

Gillian Wearing's new works are entirely wall based, consisting of a series of self portraits as various members of her immediate family. This began with Self Portrait as my Motlier lean Gregory and continues with images of her brother, father, sister, uncle and herself as a teenager. Based on photos of family members when they were younger and filled with the hope and optimism of youth, the portraits seek to examine the psychological imprint that one's family impacts upon an individual. We are all a composite of that imprint and Wearing explores in her 'self portraits' a depiction of this influence. Using locations, props and prosthetic devices Wearing seeks to adopt the identity of each family member, and her younger self, using the mask as a source of exploration and inspiration. Pressetext

Gillian Wearing - Album