press release

The exhibition Loving Your Pictures by Erik Kessels will be presenting eight photo series consisting of photo material collected and edited by Erik Kessels. These photographs, which the original makers did not intend as ëworks of artí, will now take on new meanings as they are exhibited in a new context within the museum.

Found photographs The origin of the photos is very diverse. Some examples of objects in the exhibition will include a series of posed photographs that were made to catalogue German police uniforms from the 70ís newly titled Models. The intention of the photographs was to demonstrate to police officers all over Germany how their particular uniforms should be worn. The series Wonder consists of submitted ëdiscardedí photographs that were ërescued for viewingí. The photographs were acquired through an advertisement asking people to send in their unwanted snapshots. In the images we see accidents made by the camera or photographer that result in interesting objects apart from their first intended purpose. The initial purpose of the photographs makes the images slightly haunting. By presenting these images in the context of a museum, Kessels gives his found material a completely new meaning.

Erik Kessels (1966, NL) is creative director of communication agency KesselsKramer in Amsterdam. Kessels regularly has editorials in magazines such as iM (Identity Matters) and BON International. He has published several books and series such as: Instant Men, Useful Photography and in almost every picture. As curator he was responsible for the opening exhibition DutchDelight for Foam (Photography Museum Amsterdam), the exhibition Confrontation at the Institute NÈerlandais in Paris and he contributed to Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie in Arles, France. For the DVD art project Loud & Clear he worked together with artists such as Marlene Dumas and Candice Breitz.


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Erik Kessels: Loving your pictures