press release

The role of UN troops in handling local, national and international conflicts has expanded considerably in recent years. They not only make a major contribution to resolving conflicts, but also to the reestablishment of political, social and cultural institutions. Urban structures are often set up in conjunction with international aid organisations. Although these structures are initially of a temporary nature, they nevertheless exert an important influence on the ongoing development of crisis regions. Global players thus trigger urban transformations in very differing parts of the world that would appear to follow the same pattern.

The Bauhaus Kolleg VII on ›UN Urbanism‹ will address these transformations and examine the phenomena of global, crisis-regulating urbanisation at selected locations. The spatial patterns of these global interventions will be ascertained along with the local characteristics of the processes involved.

The two-part Bauhaus Kolleg programme consists of an orientation phase, which concentrates more on theory and analysis, and a project phase with a stronger focus on working out methods and strategies. An exhibition and the production of a book are scheduled for the end of the Kolleg year.


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