press release

04.08.2022 - 01.10.2022
03.08.2022 18:30

Álvaro Hoppe Guiñez. Plebiscito en Chile, 1988

After the successful launch of his book, presented virtually at the MAC during 2020 and on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the coup d'état, Chilean photographer Álvaro Hoppe Guiñez exhibits an important part of his work in Plebiscito en Chile, 1988. The photographs show the Chilean political, historical and social process that culminated in the plebiscite of 5 October 1988, which decided whether or not Augusto Pinochet would remain at the head of the country. The first demonstrations for democracy, the YES and NO campaigns, the events of the day of the vote and the first night-time celebrations in the city are relived.