press release

Martin van Zomeren is pleased to announce the third solo show of the German artist Alexandra Leykauf.

Leykauf’s black and white copies, framed photographs and papier-mâché reliefs are based on images of architecture, garden-architecture, monuments and modern sculpture and show an eclectic use of their components. Arrangements of diverse depictions defunctionalize the original perspectives and produce new, theatrical spaces.

The photographic image of architecture is transformed into new mental spaces that lack any sense of scale or dimension. The papier-mâché relief can be described as a two-fold translation; architecture into photography and photography into sculpture. The dramatic perspective of the source photograph is forced onto the three-dimensional object. Therefore, perspective is no longer a result of the point of view the spectator/camera takes towards the object, but intrinsic to the object.

The over all of gray-scales allows the merging of shapes and details from different contexts into one subjective, ghost-like, dreamy space, and at the same time blurs the different depicted materials. Organic shapes made out of concrete become interchangeable with the image of a trimmed hedge and a papier-mâché relief that might be seen as an accumulation of all the black and white paper surrounding it mimics concrete.

Alexandra Leykauf (b. 1976, Germany) was an artist in residence at the Rijksacadmie in Amsterdam. Her Recent exhibitions include ‘The Present Order is the Disorder of the Future’ at Museum De Hallen, Haarlem, ‘Berlin - Amsterdam, Folded or Tillted Realities’, curated by Erika Hoffman, Amsterdam (2007), Foam (Foto Museum Amsterdam), and Barbara Wien, Berlin (2006).

only in german

Alexandra Leykauf