press release

A House is not a Home
21.09.2019 - 10.11.2019

20.09.2019 18:00

Daphne Ahlers
Olga Balema
Camille Blatrix
Gina Fischli
Sitara Abuzar Ghaznawi
Marie Gyger

A House is not a Home / A Home is not a House is a double exhibition that addresses the binary logic of identification and identity. The exhibition presents the works of thirteen artists who have in common a relation to spatiality. They share an intuition that links architecture to embodiment. Occupying a certain space, the works do not take their place for granted. They contest the course that leads them from their conception to their reception. Though the works address a visitor’s attention, they also refuse to be subjected to a normative interpretation.

Oscillating between the public house of art and the private home of the self, the artworks befall one realm with the other. They refer more or less sincerely to domestication, to the decorative, to classical artistic mediums, and to craftsmanship. Often made by the hand of the artist, their materiality emanates a certain charme but, perversely, also alludes to the precarity of artistic production.

Guided tour 12.10.2019, 17:00
With Nicolas Brulhart, artistic director
Free entrance

Vernissage 20.09.2019, 18:00
Tapes Adventure (Mental Groove) & French Primitive (Coldwave/Acid House)
Artmaillé (studio 1157 / 700 clauses)
Baby Val

Lundi et mardi : sur rendez-vous
Mercredi : 12h - 18h
Jeudi : 12h - 18h
Vendredi : 12h - 18h
Samedi et dimanche : 13h - 18h

Avec le soutien de:
Stiftung Temperatio
Stanley Thomas Johnson Foundation
Erna und Curt Burgauer
Kulturförderung Kanton Obwalden, Swisslos
Ville de Fribourg
Agglomération de Fribourg
Canton de Fribourg
Loterie Romande
Pro Helvetia, Fondation suisse pour la culture
Migros pour-cent culturel