press release

Shingo Yoshida
Friday, Sep 18th, 2015, 24:00 | midnight
BABYLON, Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, Berlin, big cinema hall
(Eintritt frei | admission free)

we start our fall program with Shingo Yoshia, an outstanding artist, we first met at Based in Berlin in 2011. We are very happy to celebrate with Yoshida, who just came back from Sebiria, the premiere of his latest film:

The end of day and beginning of the world Siberia-Chukotka, Russia 2015, 4K video, color, sound, 16:9, 20 min.

Further we will show:

¿Sabe usted algo de la isla Friendship? Isla toto, Chile 2012, HD video, color, sound, 16:9, 33 min.

I prepared the perfect answer that you wanted Amazon- Oiyakaha, Brasil 2010, HD video, color, sound, 16:9, 12 min.

Yoshida considers the world as his studio and therefore a place of constant creation. Travelling around the globe, he finds myths, legends, people and places which are easily over looked and matches them to his creative micro world. With an aesthetic gaze and the most fanciful understanding of life, Yoshida enacts as if he was playing Hide and Seek in the world alone: while hiding himself he seeks the hidden. His work has been shown at Palais de Tokyo, Paris (2007, 2012), at the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo MAC, Santiago, Chile (2012) and at the 60th International Short Film Festival Oberhausen, Germany, (2014) among others.